Payment Types
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Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.
Building, Engineering and Planning Payments
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Applications, Fees and PermitsPayments can be made here for all planning, building and construction related permits.

Please have your Payment Reference ID and Application Number ready
Permits, Pools and Immunisation Payments
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Permits, Pools and Immunisation PaymentsPayments can be made here for Parking Permits and Renewals, Skip Bins, Footpath Trading, Busking, Pool Registration and Compliance and Immunisations.

Please have your Payment Reference ID ready
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Planning InfringementsPayments can be made for Planning Infringement Notices.

Please have your Planning Infringement Number ready

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