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Below is a list of the Application types that you can lodge online. Please select the required application type and click the Next button to continue.
 Application TypesInstructions
Single Dwelling Development ApplicationIncludes, but not limited to: Construction of or extension to a dwelling on a lot with an area less than 300 square metres, Alteration to a dwelling in an Overlay (eg. Heritage Overlay, Significant Landscape Overlay, Special Building Overlay), or a Satellite Dish.
Multiple Dwelling Development ApplicationAll unit development in residential zones. This includes the development of any dwelling on a site where a dwelling already exists.
Multiple Dwelling Development and Use ApplicationAll developments with a residential and commercial component.
Advertising Sign ApplicationApplication for signage only.
Change of Use ApplicationFor use only applications such as new or change of use, request to waive/reduce carparking requirements, requests for a liquor licence.
Other Application TypesApplication types not included above including, but not limited to industrial and/or business zone related applications (excluding VicSmart Applications)
VicSmart - Tree Application OnlyVicSmart Planning Application to remove, destroy or lop one tree only.
VicSmart ApplicationVicSmart Planning Application (other than tree removal).
S50 or S57 Amendment LodgementSubmission of an amendment to an undecided Planning Permit Application (Section 50 or 57).
S72 Permit AmendmentS72 Amendment to an approved Planning Permit
Secondary ConsentSubmission of a Secondary Consent to an Approved Planning Permit (minor changes to endorsed plans only)
Condition 1 Plan SubmissionSubmission of Condition 1 Documentation for a Planning Permit.
Extension of Time SS69Submission of a request for an Extension of Time to an Approved Planning Permit.
CMP ProcessSubmission of Construction Management Plan documentation.
S173 RemovalRequest removal of S173 agreement from a title
VicSmart Permit AmendmentAmendment to an application that was issued as a VicSmart Application ONLY
 Application TypesInstructions
Proposed Demolition - Report & Consent (Heritage)Lodge an application for demolition under Section 29A of the Building Act 2018.
Confirmation Planning Permit is RequiredObtain written information as to whether a Planning Permit is required for a proposed use and/or development.
Electronic Copy of Planning PermitObtain an electronic copy of a Planning Permit or Endorsed Plans.
Pre-application Meeting RequestLodge a request for preliminary advice regarding a proposed Planning Permit Application (Not including tree removal, VicSmart or construction of two dwellings - contact Planning Department on 9262 6303).
 Application TypesInstructions
Building Permit EnquiryInterested in Council being your Building Surveyor. Upload your plans and an outline of your building works to discuss your building proposal.
Building Permit Amendment Apply for an amendment to a building permit where Council is the Building Surveyor.
Building Permit Extension of Time Apply for an extension of time for a building permit where Council is the Building Surveyor.
 Application TypesInstructions
Report & Consent (Dispensation) ApplicationSiting Report & Consent - Variation to Part 5 of Building Regulations
Amendment to a Report & Consent (Dispensation) ApplicationAmendment to a Siting Report & Consent - Variation to Part 5 of Building Regulations
Hoarding Report & Consent ApplicationSiting Report & Consent - Variation to Part 5 of Building Regulations - 116 Hoarding (erect precautions over street alignment)
Report Only ApplicationSiting Report & Consent - Variation to Part 5 of Building Regulations (Report Only)
Report and Consent Extension of Time ApplicationExtension of time for a Siting Report & Consent
Electronic Copy of Building Approval documentsObtain an electronic copy of Building Approval documents
 Application TypesInstructions
Stormwater Legal Point of DischargeApplication for Legal Point of Discharge under Building Regulations (VIC) 2018, Section 133 (2): Storm water drainage
Build over Easement ApplicationProperty owners / Contractors must obtain Consent to Build over Easement if planning to construct any building/structure or excavate/fill over an easement
Flood Level ApplicationTo obtain Council Report & Consent regarding construction in an area liable to flooding pursuant to Regulation 153 of the Building Regulations 2018, you are required to submit this application.
Designated Land or WorksTo obtain Report and Consent for construction on designated land or designated works pursuant to Regulation 154 of the Building Regulations 2018, you are required to submit this application.
 Application TypesInstructions
Vehicle Crossing PermitVehicle Crossing permits are required if you are planning to construct or alter a vehicle crossing on a road. You must obtain Consent to Undertake Works in the Road Reserve (Road Opening Permit) from the relevant Coordinating Road Authority prior to the commencement of work.
Drainage PermitApply for Council consent to undertake drainage works on a Council road or easement. Works should be in line with the Stormwater Report and if relevant, the approved Drainage Plan.
Works in Road Reserve (Utility Connections & Misc)Apply for this permit if you wish to connect a utility service such as Water Mains or undertake other works outside a property boundary (see above for vehicle crossing and drainage applications).
Works by AuthorityAuthorities (or a contractor authorised to work on behalf of one) are required to apply for this permit before doing ‘major’ works (more than 8.5 square metres of excavation).
Inspection of WorksIf the works listed above are on an Arterial (main) road you will need to apply for a Council Inspection instead of the above permits. VicRoads' consent will need to be obtained first.
Asset Protection PermitProperty owners or contractors must obtain an Asset Protection Permit at least seven days prior to any demolition and/or commencement of building work.
 Application TypesInstructions
Temporary Road ClosureApply for consent to temporarily close a Council road.
Works ZoneApply for a Work Zone permit.
Works Zone ExtensionApply for an extension for a Work Zone permit.
Equipment & PlantApply for an Equipment and Plant Permit
Out of Hour PermitApply for an Out of Hours Work Permit
 Application TypesInstructions
Shared Cost FencingWhitehorse Council will contribute half the cost of the construction, replacement or repair of a standard fence that abuts a Council owned parkland in accordance with the Fences Act 1968.
 Application TypesInstructions
Compliance AuditRequest a compliance audit inspection
 Application TypesInstructions
Development Contributions Plan On-Line InvoiceRequest an invoice for a Development Contribution Plan

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