* Denotes that the field is mandatory.
Request a final inspection or a pre-final consultation meeting.

When Should The Final Inspection Be Conducted?
A ‘Final Inspection’ should only be requested when ALL construction and associated landscaping and reinstatement works are complete.

The Asset Protection permit holder is responsible to ensure all works are complete before requesting a Final Inspection.

An additional fee may be charged where additional final inspections are required.

The permit holder may request a ‘Pre-Final Inspection Consultation’ meeting prior to a final inspection. Council officers can then detail the works that need to be completed before the bond is returned.

At the final inspection, Council officers will be inspecting to ensure that all public assets that have been damaged as a result of the development are reinstated to Council’s satisfaction. This includes:

    • Road pavements
    • Road pavements
    • Stormwater drains and pits
    • Vehicle crossings
    • Nature strips (to be reinstated with 100mm minimum depth topsoil and grass seed)
    • Service authority assets including pit covers
    • No building materials or refuse of any kind left in public areas
Site And Permit Details
Please provide all relevant location, permits and contact details. A final inspection will be scheduled until all this information is provided.
Site address *
AP Permit Number *
Contact name *
Contact phone number *
E-Mail Address *
Mailing address *
Site Manager name *
Site Manager contact phone *
Cost Of Final Inspection
The cost of the initial Final Inspection is included in the Asset Protection Permit application fee.

If a Final Inspection is requested and all works are not complete, Council may charge an additional fee for each additional Final Inspection that is required. The fee will be deducted from the bond. If the bond amount is insufficient, then Council may require an additional bond payment.
Request A Pre-Final Consultation Meeting
Please indicate below if you want to schedule a Pre-Final Consultation Meeting. A Council officer will contact you to arrange a date and time for the meeting.
Requesting pre-final consultation
Request A Final Inspection
Please confirm that all works have been completed. As noted above, additional fees may be charged if additional Final Inspections are required.

If you wish to be on site when the final inspection is conducted, please indicate below.
Requesting final inspection
Attend final inspection?
Address to send bond refund (if applicable)
Additional Information
Provide any other details that may be relevant to your request.
For Requests For Final Inspections

I confirm that the information supplied is true and accurate, that all building and reinstatement works have been completed at the subject site and that I wish for a Council officer to attend the site and conduct a final inspection.

For Requests For A Pre-Final Consultation Meeting

I confirm that I am requesting an onsite meeting with a Council officer to determine what reinstatement works may be required before a final inspection is requested and undertaken.

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